Soul Sayers



The ultimate podcast for feminine healing and growth.


  • Taking A Hiatus

    07/04/2021 Duración: 04min

    Family! I will be taking a hiatus from the show. Not permanent, but taking some needed time to revamp, retool and refocus. Hoping you are finding ways to do the same for your vision and the goals you've set for yourself. Love you all so much! 

  • Cleansing

    31/03/2021 Duración: 14min

    Today - you want outflow.  A channel to allow all negative thoughts, emotions, and beliefs to flow from your person. Change the trajectory of your life!

  • Gratitude

    24/03/2021 Duración: 07min

    It's the first week of Spring. A time of new beginnings and a perfect opportunity to go deep and focus on what you're truly grateful for. Please share with friends and loved ones. Join us every Thursday for Searching The Divine at 7:00 pm CST.

  • So What If Your Greatness Makes Them Uncomfortable?

    17/03/2021 Duración: 07min

    People having problems with your excellence? So what?

  • It Doesn't Belong To You

    10/03/2021 Duración: 52min

    Stuff isn't working. You keep trying new things, seeking out the latest and the greatest. Hungry for a word of wisdom that will turn everything around.  But none of that belongs to you. There are tools in your toolbox, but you don't trust them. It seems everyone else has better ones. Or maybe there's something out there that you need. you're just not sure what it is. This show is about discounting what you already have and reaching for things that don't belong to you. There is no connection because they weren't made for you. So they won't work-not the way you want them to. And there's a price to pay when you continue to try. Thanks for listening! Join us for Searching The Divine - a weekly gathering for the spiritually curious. Hope to see you there! Connect with me on IG!

  • Balance For Real

    24/02/2021 Duración: 32min

    Ready to end the constant struggle with your circumstances?  There is a key to unlocking your freedom from this endless cycle. And we're talking about it today.  Let's go! If you enjoy this episode and want to explore spiritual principles in a deeper way, sign up for Searching The Divine, a weekly gathering for the spiritually curious!

  • Fearless

    17/02/2021 Duración: 30min

    Fear is the slave master of mediocrity, dimming your shine and stopping your progress. If you're not careful, you can find yourself spending more time and energy avoiding fears than you invest in elevating your future.  Join me as we unpack this! Searching The Divine - a weekly gathering for the spiritually curious. Every Thursday at 7:00 pm CST. Register now! It's free!

  • Transitioning From This Life

    10/02/2021 Duración: 32min

    What happens to our electromagnetic energy when we die? Where do our spirits go? Why are we so afraid of death and dying?  This is the first of a number of conversations I'd like to have about transitioning from this world to the next.  Connect with me on IG and Facebook! We are extending a special invitation to join us for Searching For The Divine, a weekly gathering to talk about all the crazy stuff in the bible we don't understand! No pressure or judgment, just having fun! It's free - Sign Up Here

  • Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy

    03/02/2021 Duración: 36min

    It's February, the month of love. One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself this month is to get out of your own way. What does it mean to get in your own way? To cause most of your problems or most of the bad things that happen yourself, because of your character. If there was ever a time for you to get real with yourself - it’s right now. More importantly, if there was ever a time to work towards positive change in your life - it is definitely now. What we believe is based on what we experience and because of that, we tend to think our beliefs are true. But the beliefs we form from experiences rarely are rooted in real truth. Well, we're getting to the bottom of it today and I'm giving you tips you need to begin to shift away from this damaging mindset. I would love to coach you through!  Don't forget to sign up for Searching The Divine - every Thursday at 7:00 pm CST! 

  • In The Image

    27/01/2021 Duración: 28min

    We are created in the image and likeness of God. Meaning we are representatives of divine energy, with tools and power to manifest aligned intentions in this world. Our birthright is our power to DO things. Sadly, we've been convinced that we are powerless, that we cannot be bold or confident.  There's this culture in the church community that needs constant reassurance - always crying about what's wrong, always asking for God to do for us what we can do for ourselves. Whining about who doesn't like us, who is jealous of us, who doesn't support us. Can I say that train has left the station? It's time to wake up, buck up and get yourself together from a divine perspective. Yep, this is a hard one. Listen in. If you want to join us to talk about this and other principles to make real-world changes in your life register for Searching The Divine. It's free, you can invite friends, and there is no obligation to do anything but share your questions or ideas!  

  • Inauguration Day

    20/01/2021 Duración: 09min

    Hey Loves, No full show today. We need to focus our energies on the shift in power that will take place in the Capitol today. Thankful that the darkness is moving, but it has left a stain.  We have a new President, but we still have the same country. We can no longer deny what our country has at its core. And for all of our progress, there is a significant number of people willing to destroy it all to hold on to power or the perception of it.  So for those reasons as well, let's lift up our intentions, energies, prayers, and voices for calm, peace, love to conquer all the hate, truth to overcome all the lies, Pray for a washing, a cleansing of the stink that will remain in the people's house as Trump finally gets the hell out of there.  Join us for Searching the Divine every Thursday at 7:00 Central Time! Sign Up Here

  • What Is Truth?

    13/01/2021 Duración: 25min

    Given the current state of our country, it depends on who you ask.  So let me be more specific. What is YOUR truth? The truth of your life? Your divine truth, the steadfastness that comes with knowing exactly who you are.  Because knowing your truth will be essential for navigating the days and months ahead. Your life...and the quality of living it, is at stake. Interested in our weekly gathering Searching The Divine?  Here's the link to register.

  • A Peek Into Chaos

    06/01/2021 Duración: 27min

    2020 gave us a peek into another realm. A realm where principalities, powers, and the dark energies that reside there were allowed to show themselves.  So what do we do with what we saw? We can't unsee it - are we powerless or do we have a mandate for change? Seeing makes us accountable. And if you want to know what your accountability is...listen in! I’m hosting a weekly conversation called Searching The Divine. It is free and takes place every Thursday at 7 pm Central time.  We’ve created a safe space for you to ask questions about the bible in particular, but this is not and I repeat not a conversion message or salvation plan. You will not be asked to join any organization or denomination.  We are going to read passages and challenge everything we’ve been taught or don’t understand in a search for clarity. It is a judgment-free zone and it doesn’t matter if you’ve never been to church or in one all your life. In fact, it’s not about the church at all - it’s about understanding divine principles that are un

  • 2021 - Crossing Over

    30/12/2020 Duración: 27min

    This has been the year of letting go. This has been a year of shedding things - a stripping away It came suddenly - with very little warning and certainly no time for preparation. There was just this great snatching away -  Of personal freedoms in a sense -  Certainly of personal customs and habits Endless degrees of confinement Restricted travel Second-guessing gatherings Missing family The ability to touch and hold one another How have you dealt with this snatching away? What feelings and emotions have you experienced? And how have you dealt with not just the sudden change last spring but the ongoing, persistent restrictions and hindrances? I'm sharing your greatest takeaways for 2020, with an eye for living a victorious 2021. Have insights or stories to share from this year? Email me at Need some tools to navigate? Visit our website Soul Sayers

  • Not Wishing For A Merry Christmas!

    23/12/2020 Duración: 11min

    That's right! I have so much more than a wish. I have a firm, strong intention for many other things for you. For all that you'll need for 2021.  Listen in and find out what they are! Peace & Blessings!

  • Spellbound & Speechless II

    16/12/2020 Duración: 31min

    We're not done!  Last week we talked about breaking spells. How to get out from under the power of influence, regaining your position when someone is working to bend your will with the force of their own.  Well, this week - is for you spellcasters. Could this be a violation of someone's sacred self? Do you fully understand the ramifications? How can you stop? There's a quick exercise at the end but if you want to do some real work on this, whether you are under the spell or casting one - then connect with me at I'd love to know what you'd like me to cover on the show in the new year! Send us a message at Your feedback is what motivates us! Love you guys! D

  • Spellbound & Speechless - The Power of Influence

    09/12/2020 Duración: 43min

    Spells are intentions, thoughts that carry power. When they are sent or cast out, these thoughts can work their way into your subconscious and psyche - influencing your thinking and behavior. Once these thoughts infiltrate your subconscious - they take over your conscious thoughts too - you find yourself doing things and saying things that might surprise you - or embarrass you, or hurt you. In and throughout our lives, we have dealt with and will meet people who masterfully know how to exploit all of our inner beliefs in an effort to enforce their will upon our lives. We're talking points of entry, how you can break spells, and the importance of you living in your own authority.

  • Ask For Help Already!

    02/12/2020 Duración: 44min

    Why is it so hard to ask for help? Why get all in your feelings?  Well, there are a bunch of stories we tell ourselves, things like: I don't want to look weak or stupid I don't want to owe anyone anything I don't want to bother anyone I don't want to hear the truth about what I'm doing Whatever the reasons, not asking for help is one of the significant ways you can actively not serve your interests. So we're calling bullshit on all of it. It's time to do something different!

  • Thankful

    25/11/2020 Duración: 25min

    A global pandemic, a narcissist in the White House, my glasses keep fogging up when I have my mask on, and I've never spent this much time in my house. What's there to be thankful for? Plenty - and that goes for you too, probably not what you think though. Now is the time to get yourself right for the new year to come. I'm taking on new clients so visit the Soul Sayers website and sign up for a free call to see if my process is for you. I'd love for you to connect with me on IG

  • Inner Vows

    18/11/2020 Duración: 39min

    Inner vows often reveal that we are finding it difficult to trust that God will help and protect us. We make them during times of suffering or hardship. But there is power in our words, whether spoken out loud or not. During difficult times, we don't think vows through on conscious level, but once made, they have a way of becoming a permanent binding force in our lives if left unchallenged. It's time to revoke the vows you have made, and replace the promises you created with the promises of God for your life. There is a clear path to move your life forward. This episode walks you through the process to revoke a vow and shift the energy toward progress. Release yourself! I'd love to hear from you! Follow me on IG and FB  

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